BSM ~ Baby Time!!!

Water broke.  Bags packed.  Parents called.  Friend en route.  Baby on his/her way. 

I’m beyond thrilled to report that we’ll be headed to the hospital in just a few minutes and that later today we’ll be welcoming the newest addition to our family!!

This is the shot I’ve been waiting to take!!

Aug 11 005

For other best shots, head on over to Tracey’s today!

Theme Thursday ~ Unrefined

So I’m not actually sure if this is an accurate interpretation, but I’m going with it!  I’m far from ready to leap into RAW shooting, but I did play with a few settings on my camera this weekend.  I found myself pleasantly surprised by this shot when we arrived home from a first birthday party.  For some reason, it really moves me.  I love the way their hands are in a similar positions and the way her embrace screams safety, security, protection, comfort, and love.

Here’s the shot SOOC:

 July 12 060

Here’s the shot with a little processing:

Sweet Baby Boy

For more Theme Thursday, head over the Stacy’s.

Saturday Surprise

So I’m really kicking myself for not writing something yesterday because it was LEAP DAY!  I suppose that my ridiculously early bedtime is partly to blame, but still.  And I’m also trying to figure out how to “start” giving birthday wishes via my blog when I’ve already missed a few this year.  I think I’ll make March my official start date!  I’ll also give the disclaimer that this is not meant to be a comprehensive birthday blog and should I forget unwittingly miss any one of my friends and/or family members, you can be sure there was a very good explanation as to why!

While this isn’t exactly a “birthday” wish, I still think it can be loosely linked to the same category.  G. and I are thrilled to announce that we’ll be adding another little one to our family in August!  That’s right, Calder’s going to be a big brother!  We recently shared the news with our family and captured a shot of their genuine surprise!

2.17.08 033

Now that the word is out (we still need to tell our students this week and friends at church) you can be expecting posts of pregnancy progress! 

Have a great weekend!